General Director of the Biomedical Reasearch Center of the Slovak Academy of Science.
Contribute to the development of a healthy city and region in accordance with the principles of WHO
Nové poznatky
Prepájať špičkové výskumné a inovačné tímy, z rôznych disciplín a sektorov s cieľom vytvárať a zdieľať poznatky v oblasti zlepšovania zdravia občanov a kvality života v meste, resp. regióne s presahom na národnú úroveň.
Spolupracovať s partnermi zo všetkých regiónov Slovenska aj zo zahraničia.
Rozvoj talentov
Prostredníctvom výskumu a inovácií podporovať kvalitné vzdelávanie na vysokých školách a vytvárať prostredie priťahujúce talenty zo Slovenska i zahraničia.
Konkrétny dopad
Prepájať výskum, vývoj, vzdelávanie a inovácie so službami a politikami s priamym dopadom na obyvateľstvo.
Fresh Knowledge
To connect top research and innovation teams from different disciplines and sectors with the aim of creating and sharing knowledge in the field of improving the health of citizens and the quality of life in the city, or region with an overlap to the national level.
Talent Development
Through research and innovation, support quality education at universities and create an environment that attracts talents from Slovakia and abroad.
Cooperate with partners from all regions of Slovakia and abroad.
Specific impact
Link research, development, education and innovation with services and policies with a direct impact on the population.
Fresh Knowledge
To connect top research and innovation teams from different disciplines and sectors with the aim of creating and sharing knowledge in the field of improving the health of citizens and the quality of life in the city, or region with an overlap to the national level.
Talent Development
Through research and innovation, support quality education at universities and create an environment that attracts talents from Slovakia and abroad.
Specific impact
Link research, development, education and innovation with services and policies with a direct impact on the population.
Cooperate with partners from all regions of Slovakia and abroad.
The innovation is focusing on the entire process of solving chronic diseases
1.identification of problems
2.identification of factors, which cause problems
3.identification of solutions and their effectivness
- Research of factors influencing development of serious chronic diseases in defined territory
- Preparation of strategies and definition, testing and research of effective policies for enhancing the quality of life and health of citizens of certain territory.
- Research of interventions to weaken negative factors (targeted interventions into environment and modification of lifestyle) based on data collection and analysis.
- Representation of findings on diagnostics, treatment and prevention of individual diseases as well as data approaches using artificial intelligence for predictions, or for effective employment of individual interventions and modeling of their social, behavioral and economic impacts.
- Continuous improvement of diagnostic methods, treatments, prevention and policy design through updating data on different factors.
The innovation is focusing on the entire process
of solving chronic diseases
of solving chronic diseases
1.identification of problems
2.identification of factors
which cause problems
3. identifying solutions
and their efectiveness
- Research of factors influencing development of serious chronic diseases in defined territory
- Preparation of strategies and definition, testing and research of effective policies for enhancing the quality of life and health of citizens of certain territory.
- Research of interventions to weaken negative factors (targeted interventions into environment and modification of lifestyle) based on data collection and analysis.
- Representation of findings on diagnostics, treatment and prevention of individual diseases as well as data approaches using artificial intelligence for predictions, or for effective employment of individual interventions and modeling of their social, behavioral and economic impacts.
- Continuous improvement of diagnostic methods, treatments, prevention and policy design through updating data on different factors.
International Doctoral
Establishment of international interdisciplinary doctoral school for relevant disciplines.
Development of University Teachers
Programs for university teachers helping them to lead their students to become quality professionals in the area of prevention of chronic diseases and development of quality of life.
Artificial Intelligence
Education and talent development also with the use of AI.
Interdisciplinary education of students on bachelor and master level.
Chceš sa dozvedieť viac?
Objavte ďalšie informácie a stratégie na rozvoj vašich schopností. Zistite ako rozvíjame talenty!
Chceš sa dozvedieť viac?
Objavte ďalšie informácie a stratégie na rozvoj vašich schopností. Zistite ako rozvíjame talenty !
Čitaj ďalej
Medzinárodná doktorandská
Vytvorenie medzinárodnej interdisciplinárne doktorandskej školy pre relevantné vedné odbory.
Umelá inteligencia
Vzdelávanie a rozvoj talentov aj prostredníctvom AI.
Rozvoj VŠ učiteľov
Rozvojové programy pre VŠ pedagógov a pedagogičky, aby vedeli viesť študentov a študentky v nadobúdaní zručností a vedomostí nevyhnutných pre kvalitných profesionálov v oblasti prevencie chronických ochorení a rozvoja kvality života.
Interdisciplinárne vzdelávanie študentov prvých dvoch stupňov VŠ.
Chcete sa dozvedieť viac?
Objavte ďalšie informácie a stratégie na rozvoj vašich schopností. Zistite ako rozvíjame talenty!
Medzinárodná doktorandská
Vytvorenie medzinárodnej interdisciplinárne doktorandskej školy pre relevantné vedné odbory.
Rozvoj VŠ učiteľov
Rozvojové programy pre VŠ pedagógov a pedagogičky, aby vedeli viesť študentov a študentky v nadobúdaní zručností a vedomostí nevyhnutných pre kvalitných profesionálov v oblasti prevencie chronických ochorení a rozvoja kvality života.
Umelá inteligencia
Vzdelávanie a rozvoj talentov aj prostredníctvom AI.
Interdisciplinárne vzdelávanie študentov prvých dvoch stupňov VŠ.
International Doctoral
Establishment of international interdisciplinary doctoral school for relevant disciplines.
Development of University Teachers
Programs for university teachers helping them to lead their students to become quality professionals in the area of prevention of chronic diseases and development of quality of life.
Artificial Intelligence
Education and talent development also with the use of AI.
Interdisciplinary education of students on bachelor and master level.

Renáta Hall
executive director
Renáta has over 20 years of experience in the area of higher education (HE) and research policies.

Emília S. Beblavá
works on anti-corruption policy, political-administrative relations, and behavioral experiments in the public sector

Matej Kačaljak
works on financial law and public finance as a lawyer as well as a university lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava.

Mária Bieliková
is a leading Slovak researcher in computer science and artificial intelligence focusing on human-computer interaction analysis and user modeling.

Miroslav Štefánik
focuses on the labour market, and educational policy-related topics, such as active labour market and training program evaluation, as well as analysing and predicting labour market skills needs.

Martin Kahanec
his primary research interests span economic policy, labor and population economics, migration, EU mobility, ethnicity, and reforms in European labor markets, on which he has published extensively in leading international journals and publishers.

Gabriela Pleschová
leads the Centre for Scholarship and Teaching in the Faculty of Arts at Comenius University Bratislava where she also serves as an associate professor in the Department of Pedagogy.

Monika Rychtáriková
focuses on research in building and room acoustics, and on solving questions related to sound perception by people.

Alexandra Bražinová
researches epidemiology of communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Alexandra is a professor of epidemiology.

Vojtech Chmelík
his research and teaching focuses on the problems of building and room acoustics and the subjective perception of sound.

Ján Mazúr
has long been involved in urban policymaking, and ethics and integrity issues in the legal profession and public administration.

Miroslav Beblavý
is an economist, scientist, and innovator. He is the CEO of Zhiva, a startup focused on behavioral health interventions with an emphasis on management of chronic diseases.